Shipping Costs

Postage is a lot, and I am sorry.

Item cost is meant to be kept low to account for it. Ideally the combined price of item and shipping for a standard book should be around £50, about the cost of a standard 5e book in the U.K. (But that has crept up in recent years.)

Most books are held by my fulfillment company in the U.K.; Spiral Galaxy Games. If you order any of those the postage will be combined and should go down (relatively) if you order several books.

Silent Titans is held in the U.S. due to reasons, so that will be relatively cheap to ship within the United States, but, the postage for Silent Titans will not combine with any other. 

'Golden Duck' is held in my house, bascially because I couldn't be bothered individually folding 1000 copies, so that will ship seperately and the price won't be combined, but it should be realatively cheap.. Hopefully?

Some hardcopy items like 'A Night at the Golden Duck' and the Demon-Bone Sarcophagus Heist Plans, are intended to be add-ons to other orders.

Adding the Heist Plans to a heavier order won't cost you much. If you want to buy those light items on their own you can, but please check the the shipping price! before you hit the 'complete' button!

Please check your final postage value before to make sure you are ok with it before you hit the last button!

VAT and the E.U.

We can cover VAT for the U.K. and for E.U. nations. This should have been taken care of as part of your postage price so if you live in one of these locations and get charged VAT then contact me and I will see what I can do.


Outside of the UK / EU many countries will have their own import taxes. These are mostly always applied on entry into the country (Some countries do have very high thresholds however and so the Taxes rarely gets applied). We can only cover and remit VAT for the UK and European Union. All other countries must be covered by the recipient.

So far as I know the threshold for the U.S. is $800, Canada is C$40.

If they hit you with taxes they may also hit your with a 'Service Charge'. This combined with the taxes has hit $20 for at least one Canadian customer. 

Please check the import taxes for your nation if you are ordering a lot of stuff, especially the threshold at which you will suffer these charges.